RATS Tales Archives – Full Articles

RATS Tales (click here for online archive) often includes in-depth pieces on how rodenticides are affecting wildlife around the world, and on specific raptors. There’s not always room for all the words and pictures in a newsletter, so we send you here! Click a link to see the full corresponding article.

Anticoagulants Impact Aquatic Food Web (February 2025)

Owl Hero’s New Guide to Bay Area Wildlife (December 2024)

New Study Finds ARs in 100% of Tested Eagles (August 21, 2024)

Groundbreaking Study Shows Amphibians Exposed to ARs Too (August 2024)

Harvard Law Files Groundbreaking AR Petition (June 2024)

Anticoagulants Threaten Recovery of Italian Wolves (April 2024)

Chlorophacinone Harms Health of Hawks (February 2024)

RATS in Print (January 2024)

Australian Birds Still at Risk from ARs (January 2024)

Australian Birds at Risk from ARs (September 2023)

Bromethalin Found in Raptors for the First Time (July 2023)

New England/Mid-Atlantic Foxes, Fishers, and Otters Exposed to ARs (March 2023)

River Otters Carry Anticoagulant Residue (March 2023)

Eastern Fishers Exposed to ARs (January 2023)

Fur Tests Reveal Poison in Remote Forests (December 2022)

A Rare Look at ARs in Russia (July 2022)

Scientist Hopes to Reduce Risks to BC Raptors from Anticoagulants (February 2022)

Bobcat in Livermore Sick from Mange (September 2021)

Powerful Owls Threatened by ARs (July 2021)

ARs Threaten Tasmanian Eagles (June 2021)

ARs a Culprit in British Kestrel Decline (May 2021)

New Science: ARs Found in Goshawks, Songbirds and Others (April 2021)

ARs Endanger Rare Harrier on Réunion Island (March 2021)

Mega-Owls Once Ruled (October 2020)

Poison May Play a Part in Magpie Decline (July 2020)

Bats: Unexpected Victims of Rodenticides (July 2020)

ARs Found in Taiwan Raptors (July 2020)

White Owls and Full Moons Stun Rodents (March 2020)

Toxic Forests: Illegal Marijuana (December 2019)

Poisoned Parrots (Fall 2019)

Studies Find Widespread Impacts from Rat Poison (March 2019)

New UCLA Study Shows Anticoagulants Affect Bobcat Genes (Spring 2018)

Let It Snow (Winter 2017)

William Ow’s O.W.L. Award (Winter 2017)

Australian Booboks At Risk From Rodenticide (September 2017)

Barn Owl Box Project Inspires Scout (February 2017)

The Rat Busters (Fall 2016)

Ancient Owl Pellet Speaks (Fall 2016)

Ghosts of the Grasslands (February 2016)

Turkey Vultures Rock! (Fall 2015)

The (True) Stories Continue! (Spring 2015)

Public Lands Full of Poison (Fall 2014)

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